Hi hi!
I am mega excited to have learned a new skill tonight...finger knitting! I know I know... I am so slow jumping on the bandwagon and that everyone was doing this years ago from what I can see but what the Hell...I am excited.
I found a tutorial at on youtube and within minutes I was away! I have so far made about 8 ft in less than an hour. My pics soon but here is a cute pic I found with a different tutorial here
Afte I did this however, I totally indulged in a movie date with my man. we watched Eclipse...oh my goodness it was so good and we even shared some Ben and Jerry's! So now Im off to bed, pretending I dont have work all day tomorrow. I haven't even done my planning...eek! Naughty.
Goodnight everyone,
Love Missy
Haha finger knitting is addicting!