Hi all, I'm having a bit of a life re-vamp at the moment so when I saw
this post on
Elsie's blog, it couldnt have come at a more perfect time.
1. To treat myself better. I really want to start looking after myself. i feel I have pushed myself aside whilst trying to care for everyone around me and do everything that I think I should be doing. I feel like its really taking its toll now, especially on my appearance. So a few small steps like making better food choices, take regular excercise (and I mean properly), drink lots of water, give up coffee and to take time each day to make myself look and feel good!
2. Learn to use my sewing machine. This has been an ambition of mine for a long time but something I've never got round to doing. Now though, I have taken up Home Ec with Rachel, Leigh Ann and Courtney and will learn with them1
3. Document more. I spend a lot of time thinking and quite often come up with good ideas, but at the moment I don'y make enough records, a journal of some sort that can hold all information would be so useful to me as I forget stuff a lot. I will try and keep one up as much as possible.
4. To be more thrifty and green. I really want to put the phrase 'make do and mend' to good use. At the moment I spend too much especially on commercial things. I want to shop in chraity/thrift stores more, I want to recycle more and more importantly I want to re-use more. I have so much stuff just waiting to be turned into something beautiful and I want to make that happen.
Wow, this hs been really theraputic for me and it's helped me to feel way more organised and focused. I will hopefully update every now and again about y progress in theses four areas!
Love Missy
p.s if you do it too, please leave me a comment with a link to your blog so I can read them!