Saturday 14 January 2012

Photos and the like....

I'm trying my absolute hardest this year to take more pictures! I want tons and tons of memories of all the wonderful things I see and do so I've kitted myself out with what I think will help me! 

First off I have the Instagram app on my iPhone. By far the most used app I own (except Facebook...eep)

I use this quite a lot and am getting better at remembering to get it out and shoot. I've also just discovered webstagram which is a web viewer for all your instagram pics! Love it! What other camera apps do you guys use? 

I have a digital camera, which I really want to use more...I think I need to make or invest in a camera bag to keep it with me at all times! 


Then my most recent addition to the photographing family is this super cute little instax mini! This gives that 'instant picture you can hold' feeling. I really wish I printed out my digital pictures more as I love leafing through them. I'm also on the lookout for unique ways to display pictures, rather than just an album or frame, that way I might be more inclined to print them out.

Any suggestions? 

Love Danielle

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