Sunday, 31 January 2010

A cute quickie!

Just found this gorgeous bird, thought I'd share.

Love Missy

Going to the zoo, zoo, zoo

Hello! I went to the Zoo today, we took Haydn as he'd never been. I was hoping to get some pictures of some of the animals to take inspiration from for some projects I want to do over the next couple of weeks. Some of the animals were soo cute but the light Align Centrewasn't amazing and my iphone could only do so much....Although I still love it to pieces!

Such a sweet little baby monkey! Beautiful big eyes, want to use him in a crafty idea soon!

This little guy was more than happy to come right over and pose for the camera! Love him!

Funky little penguins.

Very majestic crane.

Beautiful wolf. Looks almost like a fox.

I felt sad for this leopard, he looked so odd in this enclosure. He should be free.

Haydn had such a good time, even though it had snowed and was freezing!

I'm hoping to get some of my recent projects on here tomorrow before I go to college in the evening so I have a really busy day. I also made my to do list for the week, want to get some good head way on it tomorrow.

Nighty night!
Love Missy

Saturday, 30 January 2010

My beautiful new Holga camera! LOVE LOVE LOVE

Isn't she so beautiful! The most plastic fantastic lomo camera I have ever seen. I had to have it. I was looking at these on ebay just 2 weeks but decided I absolutely no way could afford one. BUT then i come across this beauty better than half price. Could I really say no?

Even the box is gorgeous and it came with the beautiful Holga book, with tons of tips, ideas and inspiration. I can't wait to use it!

Good night,
Love Missy

Good Evening!

I've had a pretty busy day today and a lovely one too. I've seen so many pretty things and have come back completely inspired to make things. Im going to sit down with my sketchbook later and get them all onto paper. I've got a few pictures from today to share and I'll be posting about a beautiful new purchase later!

We took an interesting but quite smelly trip to this fish market. I love the shapes of these shells, I'll definately use them in a project soon!

Then I got to go into one of my favourite shops and was amazed at all the beautiful new things they have in there.

Love these mini post its!!

I thought this little monkey was sweet as well!

Then we went for a walk in the park, Haydn loved running through the mud. Messy monster!

My new purchase coming soon! Hope everyone is warm on this freezing cold evening!

Love Missy

Thursday, 28 January 2010

Beautiful Finds!

How adorable are these post-its. Definately a fab gift idea. Think I would like them as a gift for me! They come in a gorgeous box of 6 so you could share them around!

Just found this completely amazing journal here. I soooo soooo need this! Either that or I need to learn how to make one myself as I cant get it shipped to the UK!

Love Missy

Wednesday, 27 January 2010

Hello World!

Welcome to Curious Key, My first ever blog about all things beautiful and mostly handmade! Ill be posting lots of lovelies here soon!

Love Missy